For me the year started on the Art of Living advanced course in Bangalore Ashram. I was in silence and Guru Pooja was going on right at 00:00 of 1st Jan 2008. Previously, I used to jump, dance, make noise, hug friends but this year, I was in complete silence, even the hug was quiet; no halla-gulla, no dance, no singing, and still blissful from inside.

That was my first advanced course, so I was very much curious about it. Being in the silence for so long was a different experience. I could not believe that I too can be in silence. I still remember the night when I came to know that I will be coming out of silence the next afternoon and how disappointed I was. I thought, why so early? Can I not extend my silence little more? Well, He heard my prayer and blessed me with two more advanced courses this year. People who know me still laugh at the thought that I can be in silence but the fact is, silence gives me that chance to be with myself, at least for 2-3 days where I am not a student, not a son, not a brother, not a friend. Basically, I am nothing. During the first advanced course, I also started my journey to the question, Who am I and Why am I here for?
I also listened to the Aashtavakra Geeta. The commentary by Guruji on Aashtavakra Geeta, which continued for 34 days, one VCD per day. That answered many questions about life and lot of the ideas and pre-concepts about life got some direction. As I was listening for the first time, I could not sip in all the knowledge but hope to digest more in the future.
Apart from spirituality, the year went quite happily. I got promoted in the family and now no more the youngest person in the family. Chutki is now the center of our family. Academically the year was so-so. The standard question of "Ph D कब ख़तम कर रहा है?" was answered simply by दुबारा मत पूछाना ! (Don't ask me again!).

The Mumbai terror attack was a big blow for the entire nation. I was glued to the TV for the entire duration. I just stopped working those days. I could not even move away from the TV. I seriously started thinking on how can we contribute for the nation. We need good people over there in the government. Some gmail chat status said, "We need to worry for people who came by BOAT but we need to worry more about people who came by VOTE". Just changing the CM/Dy-CM, Home Minister is not going to work. We need to strengthen our base so that any building that is build over it is strong enough to sustain any attack. One of the TV channel reporter said "Even the rich were not spared this time!" and I had no option but to wonder how people/reporters think in INDIA. Although the blood is RED, it is still labeled as poor, middle class, and rich. Probably it was the rich class that was shaken more this time as they realized that they too are no more safe here. Previously, when the attacks were in the local train, bus stops, markets, the rich people used to say that they are far away from all these places. They are safe, but that was proved wrong this time. And hence they were also seen on the road, voicing their concerns. And being rich, their voice was definitely louder and is good for INDIA.
In all, I could see myself getting matured. The rise was steep as compared to previous 2-3 years. I could see more confidence in what ever I was saying and I was able to make stronger comments, when ever needed. It is said, the most satisfying thing in life is knowing that you are improving day by day and I could experience it.
Some 2008 moments best expressed via photos:

My Rangoli @Diwali: I was really disturbed by the Marathi and Non-Marathi movement in Maharashtra and particularly in Mumbai. I have always been surrounded by friends from all over INDIA, from my collage days. So its difficult for me to differentiation people like that. So, the rangoli was my expression of the same.

A prayer for all in 2009: This is the message I wrote in front on Trident. Let all people be happy and let peace prevail all over.

Face painting competition in Hostel 12. Painter: Ayush. We won the first prize :).

This photo finds a place here because there are very few occasions when I will be looking so smart. Tend to be with chalta hai attitude in terms of my dressing sense.

This is real me, Ghochu! (30th Dec. 2008)
Bye Bye 2008 and WELCOME 2009. Happy New Year !
Jai Guru Dev!
Sandeep (Pitamah)