As promised in my last post, here is the guest article, by Mr. Ninad Deshmukh, CEO Uniheal foods. Why we need Vitamin C?
We need vitamin C to improve resistance of body i.e. to build immune system. Deficiency of vitamin C could lead to Scurvy
Why we have to take Vitamin C from outside?
For all except four mammalian species, ascorbic acid is not a vitamin, because they make their own abundant supply. Man is one of the four exceptions. Of the four enzymes necessary to make vitamin C, man has the first three. Somewhere in our evolution, we lost that fourth enzyme, and ascorbic acid became a vitamin for us — we have to obtain it from our diet. Animals make that amount of vitamin C that would be the equivalent of four grams (4,000 mg.) daily for an average size human.
While the U. S. government RDA (recommended daily allowance, some say “recommended deficiency allowance”) is 60 mg., this is merely the amount that will prevent death from scurvy. Optimal health requires the higher dose levels. This enzymatic defect in humans undoubtedly accounts for a shorter life span than we were designed to have. Advocates of vitamin C prescribes very high daily dose of vitamin C.
What is Vitamin C?
(Vitamin C a.k.a. Ascorbic Acid, Ascorbate)
This well-known vitamin is important in the maintenance of collagen, the protein that holds most of the soft tissues of the body together. Along with B6, it is also vital to the utilization of amino acids. It enhances the absorption of iron from vegetable sources. It inhibits the synthesis of nitrosamines, compounds implicated in cancer. Fruit sources are citrus fruits, fresh strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapples and guava. Vegetable sources are broccoli, Brussel sprouts, tomatoes, spinach, kale, green peppers, cabbage and turnips. Regular intake of vitamin C insures health of the soft tissues of the body and perhaps an ounce of cancer protection. There is ample research evidence that substantial doses of vitamin C, taken regularly over the course of years, prolong a person’s life expectancy by lowering the probability of vascular disease. (The same is true of vitamin E.)
One of the many functions of ascorbic acid in human biochemistry is to regenerate oxidized vitamin E that, in turn, serves to protect cell walls from oxidative damage.
The ascorbate form of ascorbic acid is the form that is effective in the treatment of colds and flu. Do not bother trying to treat a cold or flu with ascorbic acid. It will not work. The L- form is the bioactive form of vitamin C. The D-form is just so much stuff the body must get rid of. Synthetic ascorbic acid contains equal amounts of L- and D- forms. Natural sources of vitamin C contain only the L- form. Read the label to know what you are getting. If it is not specified otherwise, assume it to be synthetic. If it doesn’t say “ascorbate,” assume it to be ascorbic acid.
Natural Vs Artificial Vitamin C
There is great fight between manufacturers of Synthetic Vitamin C and manufacturers of supplements based on Natural source of Vitamin C. Each one claiming that there is better! My Common sense says that Natural is always better (Disputable)!
Studies indicate that the naturally occurring Vitamin C is easier for body to absorb than synthetic Vitamin C. This and other studies indicate that naturally occurring Vitamin C may be ten times more beneficial to body than synthetic ones.
Why Vitamin C in amla is more powerful?
The natural tannins in Vitamin “C” complex of amla prevent oxidation of the vitamin content in dry condition-in other words it is heat stable. Sabinsa Corporation has prepared a high tannin standardized extract at 40% polyphenols (mostly in the form of tannins), leaving behind some of the other carbohydrates. The presence of a large proportion of tannins in the fruit may easily explain some of the more prosaic proclaimed benefits of amla, including treatment of respiratory and intestinal disorders, particularly intestinal ulcerations. In addition, polyphenols have been shown to have numerous health protective benefits, including lowering blood lipids and blood sugar, enhancing blood circulation, and blocking the action of carcinogens, which together contribute to the anti-ageing effect. The apparent superior effect of the mistaken “vitamin C” component is actually the more stable and potent anti-oxidant effect of the tannins that appeared to be the vitamin.
Dr. Shibnath Ghosal, at the Banaras Hindu University, published his findings about active constituents of emblica fruits in 1996, reporting on the mistaken identification of vitamin C. He turned his research findings into a patent just four years later; describing the production of the mixture he called Capros. It is derived from amla by a careful process of extraction that prevents breakdown of the tannins. It contains:
Emblicanin-A: 27% ;Emblicanin-B: 23%; Punigluconin: 8%; Pedunculagin: 14%
Gallo-ellagitannoids : 18%; Rutin: 10%
The first four ingredients listed are polyphenols (tannins); the next constituent is a combination primarily of gallic acid and ellagic acid, the tannoid components that are linked together to make the other tannins. Rutin is another phenolic compound, a common flavonoid found in many plants and isolated as a natural health care product. Dr. Ghosal describes his extract (U.S. patent # 6,124,268) as having a greater antioxidant potential than vitamin C, while being more stable against heat and oxidation. It can be formulated into skin creams that are designed to protect the skin from damage due to excess sun exposure and may also be used as a component of internal remedies for health protective effects, especially for cardiovascular risk factors.
So vitamin C in amla is powerful as it is a complex of ascorbate, tannins and polyphenols.
Several properties that are talked about amla are as follows:
Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, Immuno Modulator, anti-bacterial, expectorant, antipyretic, cardio tonic, anti-emetic, anabolic
It is considered to cure or help in skin problems, hair problems, acidity, diabetes, asthma,cholesterol and cholesterol induced atherosclerosis (Obstruction of the arteries), etc.
Amla is getting popular all across globe among people as well as commercial organizations (Pharma MNCs), as rich source of Natural Vitamin “C”.
Why amla never become table-top fruit like mango or apple?
When amla fruit is having such powerful medicinal values, why it is not consumed like other fruits such as mango, apple or other berries? The answer to this question is its sour taste! Amla became famous worldwide as main constituent of Chyvanprash, which is the most popular rejuvenator in the world. In India, it is consumed in almost every home in the form of Murabba (Amla preserved in sugar syrup).
Now amla processing is picked up in India and efforts are made to develop products that are good in taste so that people can consume amla everyday and improve health.
Amla is getting popular all across globe among people as well as commercial organizations (Pharma MNCs), as rich source of Natural Vitamin “C”.
Some Amla products that are available in market are Amla Candies and Amla Juice. If you are interested you can contact:
Uniheal Foods
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If you are interested in any of the Uniheal products, they can be ordered over the phone and can be delivered free of cost within INDIA.